Enterprise security

Secure your applications and strenghten your cybersecurity posture.

From remediation to resilience

Cyberattacks are increasing and no industry is immune. New privacy laws have introduced a slew of heavy fines for data breaches. Today, businesses can’t afford to treat security as an afterthought. 

Our certified experts have strengthened the cybersecurity posture of several Fortune 500 firms. With a custom assessment tailored to your unique needs, we can make security a part of not just your application but your culture.

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Save costs

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Meet regulatory compliance

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Protect reputation

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Secure IP

Core features

Security audit

Our security experts will take a deep dive into your source code, infrastructure, policies, and technology to understand your security posture, identify weaknesses, and recommend resolutions.

  • Internal code analysis
  • Penetration testing
  • Security infrastructure assessment

SecOps automation and modernization

There is a dearth of skilled security professionals, making SecOps automation absolutely essential for high-risk organizations. We modernize your security infrastructure and integrate advanced tools to streamline monitoring, incident response, and vulnerability management.

  • Cybersecurity modernization
  • Threat management
  • Strategic SecOps framework design

Application security

Ensure your mobile applications, APIs, and, most importantly, your teams are following modern security practices.

  • Technical debt cleanup
  • Application modernization
  • Best practice implementation in line with OWASP
  • SSO integration

Improving data security is a primary objective for 42% of organizations

With an increase in cyberattacks and data breaches, it’s unsurprising that organizations are taking action to boost security. According to our latest research on digital transformation and product development, 59% of organizations surveyed will be investing to improve their cybersecurity posture this year, and 42% cite improving data security as their primary business objective.

Secure cloud platform development

As an official AWS, GCP, and Azure Partner, we will show you how to utilize your cloud providers' security features to meet compliance requirements, construct resilient systems, and enhance application security.

  • Secure cloud hosting environment
  • HIPAA/HITECH, PCI-DSS, and FedRAM compliance prep
  • Data security and encryption

M&A cyber risk assessment

Identifying cyber risks before finalizing mergers and acquisitions is crucial for safeguarding your investment. We help you detect vulnerabilities at the target entity, protect against unforeseen liabilities, and preserve your reputation.

  • Pre-acquisition assessment
  • Compliance reviews
  • Risk mitigation roadmap

Get access to top-tier technologies

Modus Create is an official partner of global technology companies leading the AI revolution, helping you enable next-gen tools throughout your software lifecycle. 

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Get IT right. Sleep tight.

Want to talk to a security expert? Drop us a message and we’ll get back to you.

Looking for a partner to protect your customers and your business? Talk to Modus Create.